Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Seventy Evangelists - Nathan Rages

Luke chapter 10 begins with the account of Jesus sending out the Seventy Evangelists.  Because His instructions to them are so similar to those given to the 12 Apostles in chapter 9, this sermon focuses on the four items that are *different* in Luke 10:
1. The solution for an evangelist shortage (v2).  
2. The judgment upon Gospel rejecters (v12-16).
3. The authority we have over demons (v17-19).
4. The reason for our rejoicing (v20).

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Are You a True Disciple of Jesus? - Nathan Rages

In Luke 9:57-62, Jesus has brief conversations with three men desiring to become His followers.  In each case, Jesus' pointed words test the man's commitment to Him.  The sermon discusses six lessons that we can learn from the passage:
1. The Christian life has real difficulties.
2. Christ must be our supreme priority.  
3. Our commitment must continue to the end.
4. We dare not make uninformed “converts”.
5. The number of true disciples is small.
6. Whatever the cost, Christ still deserves our all.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Learning from the Apostles' Failings - Nathan Rages

Luke 9:46-56 has three brief stories describing the sinful failures of the apostles and Jesus' words of correction.  Sadly, all three of these problems have continued among Christians to the present day and are likely to be an issue at times for each believer.  Here's the outline:

1. Problem:    Competitive Pride (v46).
    Correction:  Imitate the example of children (v47-48).

2. Problem:   Narrow Exclusivity (v49).
   Correction:  Appreciate our true allies (v50).

3. Problem:   Harsh Vengeance (v51-54).
   Correction: Mercifully desire others’ salvation (v55-56).

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Robert Hamilton Ordination Sermons

At the ordination of Robert Hamilton as a new pastor at Redeeming Grace Church, there were sermons delivered by Nathan Rages (from 2Timothy 2:3-10) and by Robert (from Exodus 18). 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Handling Our Conscience Differences - Nathan Rages

In this follow-up to last week's message about "Keeping a Clear Conscience", we consider five principles for navigating the challenges of interaction with Christians whose consciences differ from ours in certain areas: 
1. Distinguish differences of conscience from bigger issues. (Matt. 23:24, 1Cor. 15:3-4, Gal. 1:8)
2. Think and act graciously toward differing brethren. (Rom. 14:1-6)
3. Never cause a brother to violate his conscience. (Rom. 14:13-15,20-21, 1Cor. 8:9-13)
4. Give up your rights when love requires it. (Rom. 15:1-3, 1Cor. 9:19-23)
5. Celebrate our unity in the biggest things. (Rom. 14:17,15:5-7)

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Keep a Clear Conscience - Nathan Rages

Our conscience is the internal moral monitor hard-wired into every human by the Creator.  This sermon explores eight questions about our conscience:
1. What is it? (Rom. 2:14-15)
2. How does it change at conversion? (Heb. 9:14,10:22, Rom. 9:1)
3. Is it always accurate? (Acts 23:1, Rom. 14)
4. Should you always obey it? (Rom. 14:22-23, 1Tim. 1:19)
5. Can it be damaged? (Matt. 23:24, Col. 2:16-18, 1Tim. 4:2)
6. Can it be re-calibrated? (Acts 10:12-15, 2Tim. 3:16-17, Heb. 5:14)
7. Is it possible to keep it clear? (2Tim. 1:3, Heb. 13:18, 1Pet. 3:16, 1Tim. 1:5,3:8-9, Rom. 14:22)
8. How can that “clearness” be maintained? (Acts 24:16, 1John 1:5-9, Rom. 13:5, Matt. 5:23-24)