Sunday, June 30, 2024

Which Category Are You: Blessed or Woeful? - Nathan Rages

In Luke 6:20-26 Jesus declares that some people are "blessed" while others are under God's curse or "woe".  What's surprising is that these categories are completely opposite from what most people would assume:

Blessed are you:
1. Who are poor (v20).
2. Who are hungry (v21).
3. Who weep (v21).
4. Who are hated (v22).

Woe to you:
1. Who are rich (v24).
2. Who are well-fed (v25).
3. Who laugh (v25).
4. Who are popular (v26).
1. Become a Christian today.
2. Expect to suffer as a believer. 
3. Don’t compromise truth for popularity.
4. Be careful about your wealth.
5. Keep your heart in heaven. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Twelve Ordinary Men - Nathan Rages

NOTE: We apologize for the odd camera angle, but the audio recording is good.

Luke 6:12-15 describes Jesus calling His apostles and makes these observations about those He selected:   
1. There were twelve of them. 
2. They were prayerfully considered.
3. They were sovereignly called.
4. They had real differences.
5. They were unimpressive.
6. They were flawed.
7. They were greatly used by God.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Jesus: Lord of the Sabbath - Nathan Rages

Luke 6:1-11 has two stories both involving Jesus disputing with the Pharisees regarding the Sabbath Day.   
Q1: Why did Jesus encourage Sabbath-related conflicts?
1. To show the proper way of applying God’s Law (v3-4).
2. To expose the wickedness of His enemies (v8-11).
3. To reveal Himself as “Lord of the Sabbath” (v5).

Q2: How should we “keep the Sabbath” today?
1. Realize that it is not required in the New Covenant (Col. 2:16-17).
2. Appreciate God’s wisdom in a 1-day-in-7 rest pattern (Mark 2:27).  
3. Rejoice in Christ’s Gospel as the ultimate Sabbath rest (Heb. 4:1-10).

Sunday, June 9, 2024

New Wine, New Wineskins, and the New Covenant - Richard Hamilton

In Luke 5:33-39, Jesus uses several illustrations to portray His spiritual kingdom.  Jesus is like a bridegroom at His wedding, and His Gospel is like new wine which must go into new wineskins.  His message of salvation by grace alone differed radically from Pharisaic traditions.

Monday, June 3, 2024

A Surprising Calling and Conversion - Nathan Rages

Luke 5:27-32 describes Levi (also called Matthew) the tax collector being called by Jesus and becoming a Christian.  This account provides these five important Gospel lessons:  
1. Following Jesus is the essence of the Christian life (v27).
2. God’s calling can compel a surprising response (v28).
3. Evangelists must personally interact with bad people (v29-32).
4. Jesus rejects the self-righteous (v31-32).
5. Jesus transforms repentant sinners (v32).