Sunday, November 24, 2013

Redemption Pictured - Part 2

In this second message from Ruth 4, we see five additional parallels between Boaz' redemption and the redeeming work of Christ.  (1) The redeemer was motivated by love, (2) redemption was a public transaction, (3) redemption was a legal transaction, (4) redemption was a costly transaction, and (5) redemption was a completed transaction.

Listen using the player below or use this link to all RGC sermons.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Redemption Pictured - Part 1

In Ruth 4, Boaz becomes the redeemer of Ruth and Naomi.  In Boaz' redemption we see numerous parallels to the redeeming work of the Lord Jesus Christ.  In this message we examine three of these: (1) Redemption was prompted by need, (2) The redeemer had to be a close relative, and (3) the redeemer had to be willing to act.

Listen using the player below or use this link to all RGC sermons.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Pursuing Christ

This message is directed to the non-Christian who wants to become a Christian.  In Ruth's pursuit of Boaz for marriage, we have a rich picture of a sinner's pursuit of Jesus Christ for salvation.  Ruth pursued (1) aggressively, (2) exclusively, and (3) submissively.

Listen using the player below or use this link to all RGC sermons.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Finding Rest in Christ

Ruth's midnight marriage proposal made to Boaz at the threshing floor was motivated by her need to find "rest" and security.  This pictures the sinner's need to find rest in a personal saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

Listen using the player below or use this link to all RGC sermons.