Sunday, July 21, 2024

Who's Your Teacher? - Nathan Rages

In Luke 6:39-49 Jesus concludes His sermon by discussing spiritual teachers and their impact on a person's life:
1. The great influence of teachers (v40).
2. The danger of following blind teachers (v39).
3. The security of a life grounded on the perfect Teacher (v47-48).
4. The disaster of merely hearing Him without obeying (v46,49).

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Judge Not, Lest You Be Judged - Nathan Rages

In Luke 6:37-45 Jesus addresses the subject of judging.  His teaching on this topic is frequently misinterpreted and misapplied, but it can accurately be summarized in these four statements:
1. We must make judgments about others (v39,42-45).
2. We must make these judgments with a gracious spirit (v37).
3. We must first judge ourselves before addressing others’ faults (v41-42).
4. We will be judged in the same way we judge others (v37-38).

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Radical Christian Love - Nathan Rages

In Luke 6:27-36 Jesus describes the radical, extreme, shocking kind of love to which He calls all His people: 

1. The scope of Christian love (v27-28).
2. The reactions of Christian love (v29-30).
3. The rule of Christian love (v31).
4. The superiority of Christian love (v32-34).
5. The results of Christian love (v35-36).

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Which Category Are You: Blessed or Woeful? - Nathan Rages

In Luke 6:20-26 Jesus declares that some people are "blessed" while others are under God's curse or "woe".  What's surprising is that these categories are completely opposite from what most people would assume:

Blessed are you:
1. Who are poor (v20).
2. Who are hungry (v21).
3. Who weep (v21).
4. Who are hated (v22).

Woe to you:
1. Who are rich (v24).
2. Who are well-fed (v25).
3. Who laugh (v25).
4. Who are popular (v26).
1. Become a Christian today.
2. Expect to suffer as a believer. 
3. Don’t compromise truth for popularity.
4. Be careful about your wealth.
5. Keep your heart in heaven. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Twelve Ordinary Men - Nathan Rages

NOTE: We apologize for the odd camera angle, but the audio recording is good.

Luke 6:12-15 describes Jesus calling His apostles and makes these observations about those He selected:   
1. There were twelve of them. 
2. They were prayerfully considered.
3. They were sovereignly called.
4. They had real differences.
5. They were unimpressive.
6. They were flawed.
7. They were greatly used by God.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Jesus: Lord of the Sabbath - Nathan Rages

Luke 6:1-11 has two stories both involving Jesus disputing with the Pharisees regarding the Sabbath Day.   
Q1: Why did Jesus encourage Sabbath-related conflicts?
1. To show the proper way of applying God’s Law (v3-4).
2. To expose the wickedness of His enemies (v8-11).
3. To reveal Himself as “Lord of the Sabbath” (v5).

Q2: How should we “keep the Sabbath” today?
1. Realize that it is not required in the New Covenant (Col. 2:16-17).
2. Appreciate God’s wisdom in a 1-day-in-7 rest pattern (Mark 2:27).  
3. Rejoice in Christ’s Gospel as the ultimate Sabbath rest (Heb. 4:1-10).

Sunday, June 9, 2024

New Wine, New Wineskins, and the New Covenant - Richard Hamilton

In Luke 5:33-39, Jesus uses several illustrations to portray His spiritual kingdom.  Jesus is like a bridegroom at His wedding, and His Gospel is like new wine which must go into new wineskins.  His message of salvation by grace alone differed radically from Pharisaic traditions.

Monday, June 3, 2024

A Surprising Calling and Conversion - Nathan Rages

Luke 5:27-32 describes Levi (also called Matthew) the tax collector being called by Jesus and becoming a Christian.  This account provides these five important Gospel lessons:  
1. Following Jesus is the essence of the Christian life (v27).
2. God’s calling can compel a surprising response (v28).
3. Evangelists must personally interact with bad people (v29-32).
4. Jesus rejects the self-righteous (v31-32).
5. Jesus transforms repentant sinners (v32).

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Friend, Your Sins are Forgiven! - Nathan Rages

Luke 5:17-26 describes Jesus' healing of a paralyzed man, who had a problem worse than paralysis.  We focus on these five parts:
1. The problem (v18).
2. The friends (v18-20).
3. The forgiveness (v20-21).
4. The healing (v22-25).
5. The rejoicing (v25-26).

Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Leper and the Healer - James Voon

Luke 5:12-16 describes Jesus' healing of a leper which then led to undesired publicity.  This message analyzes the event in these five parts:
1. The leper.
2. The healer.
3. The command.
4. The sin.
5. The prayer.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Catching Fish and Catching Men - Nathan Rages

Luke 5:1-11 describes Simon Peter's experience with Jesus, including first a miraculous catch of fish and then a lifetime calling to catch men.  We study the story in these seven parts, from Simon's perspective, each with a personal application question:

1. His loan (v1-3).  Are you being faithful in the little things? 
2. His skepticism (v4-5).  Do you speak honestly with God? 
3. His obedience (v5).  Do you still obey when things don’t make sense? 
4. His amazement (v6-8).  Are you often amazed at the Lord’s works?
5. His confession (v8).  Do you feel your guiltiness before the Lord?
6. His calling (v10).  Are you trying to “catch men”?
7. His commitment (v11).  Have you “left everything” to follow Jesus?

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Jesus' Authority Over Demons and Disease - Nathan Rages

Luke 4:31-44 describes one amazing day of the Lord Jesus' ministry in Capernaum.  The account highlights His complete authority over demons and disease.

1. Christ’s authority over demons (v33-37,41).
    Demons are real.
    Demons can possess people.
    Demons have accurate knowledge.
    Demons must obey Jesus.

2. Christ’s authority over disease (v38-40).
    Characteristics of His healing: 
    (1) willingness, 
    (2) speediness,  
    (3) completeness, 
    (4) variety, and 
    (5) individuality.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Messiah Revealed and Rejected - Nathan Rages

Luke 4:14-30 describes Jesus' return to His hometown synagogue at Nazareth.  This remarkable story can be broken down into these five parts:
1. His shocking declaration (v18-21).
2. His initial popularity (v15,22,23).
3. His controversial comparisons (v23-28).
4. His violent persecution (v28-29).
5. His sovereign power (v30).

Sunday, April 21, 2024

9 Lessons from Jesus' Temptations - Nathan Rages

Luke 4:1-13 describes Jesus' wilderness temptation.  This message first describes the events and then makes a series of practical applications, following this outline:

1. The setting (v1-2).
2. The temptations
    Turning stone into bread (v3-4).
    Gaining worldly power via false worship (v5-8).
    Leaping off the Temple (v9-12).
3. The outcome (v13).

1. The same Devil also tempts us to destroy us.   
2. The Devil takes advantage of our difficult circumstances.
3. Jesus understands our temptations by personal experience.
4. We must have absolute confidence in Scripture’s authority.
5. We need to know the Bible well in order to use it effectively.
6. Beware of escaping from trials in an unrighteous way.
7. Beware of pragmatic compromises to gain worldly influence.
8. Beware of presumptuously testing God.
9. Relief from temptations comes from steadfastly resisting them.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Confidence in the Christian Life - Jon Beary

Lessons are drawn from a crisis in the life of King Hezekiah and connected with Isaiah 40:9-11.  This reveals four things about God's character:
1. God is near.
2. God is able.
3. God is just.
4. God is caring.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Daniel, How Should I Pray? - James Voon

This message analyzes Daniel's famous prayer in Daniel 9:1-19 to obtain these principles to apply to our own prayer life:
1. Pray in response to the Word (v.2).
2. Pray with a confessing heart (vv. 3-9).
3. Pray depending on God's character (vv. 4,7,9)
4. Pray with God's glory as the goal (vv. 16-19).

Monday, April 1, 2024

From the First Adam to the Last Adam - Nathan Rages

We draw valuable lessons from our Lord's genealogy as recorded in Luke 3:23-38, following this outline:

General observations:
1. It differs from the one in Matthew’s Gospel. 
2. Many of these people are unknown to us. 

Notable ancestors:
1. David
2. Judah
3. Abraham
4. Adam

Sunday, March 24, 2024

5 Things that Happened at Our Lord's Baptism - Nathan Rages

This message examines five major things that happened when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist (based on Luke 3:21-22, John 1:32-34, and Matt. 3:13-17):
1. Jesus honored the rite of water baptism.
2. Jesus identified Himself with sinful people.
3. The Spirit anointed Jesus for future ministry.
4. The Father lovingly commended Jesus.
5. The Holy Trinity was uniquely revealed.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

What is True Repentance? - Nathan Rages

The central theme of John the Baptist's message in Luke 3:1-20 is repentance, revealing these five important aspects of genuine repentance: 
1. It is necessary for salvation (v3,18).
2. It is motivated by God’s judgment (v7,9,17).
3. It is needed regardless of spiritual heritage (v8).
4. It produces a changed life (v8,10-14).
5. It looks quickly to Christ (v15-16).

Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Voice Crying in the Wilderness - Nathan Rages

Luke 3:1-20 describes the ministry of John the Baptist, one of the most fascinating and underappreciated people in the Bible.  We discuss these seven aspects of the man and his ministry:
1. His calling (v2).
2. His fulfillment of prophecy (v4-6).
3. His popularity (v7).
4. His boldness (v7,19-20).
5. His baptism (v3,7,12,16).
6. His humility (v4,15-16).
7. His suffering (v19-20).

Sunday, March 3, 2024

The Boy Among the Teachers - Nathan Rages

Luke 2:39-52 describes Jesus at age twelve conversing with the teachers in the Temple.  The passage reveals five important things about our Lord:
1. Jesus’ devout family (v39,41,43,51).
2. Jesus' desire to learn God’s truth (v46-47).
3. Jesus’ unique relationship with the Father (v48-49).
4. Jesus’ submission to His parents (v51).
5. Jesus’ natural human growth (v40,52).

Monday, February 26, 2024

Out of Egypt I Have Called My Son - Nathan Rages

[We apologize for the echo-y audio in this recording, but we believe the content is still worth posting.]

Matthew 2:13-23 contains the dramatic account of infant Jesus' escape to Egypt and safe return to Nazareth.  This message focuses on these four characters in the story: 
1. King Herod: his cruelty (v13,16) and his death (v19-20).
2. The baby boys: their murder (v16-18) and God’s sovereignty (v17).
3. Joseph: his leadership (v13,20,22) and obedience (v14,21,22-23).
4. Jesus: His protection (v15) and His humiliation (v22-23).

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Simeon and Anna Meet Their Savior - Nathan Rages

Luke 2:21-38 records an impromptu encounter between Joseph, Mary, Jesus, Simeon and Anna in the Temple.  Our teaching focuses on these five key elements in the story: 

1. God’s faithful remnant (v25,36-37).
2. Jesus’ relationship to the Law (v21-27).
3. Jesus dividing and exposing people (v34-35).
4. Two suffering women (v35,36).
5. A man ready to die (v26,29).

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Angels and Shepherds: The First Gospel Message - Richard Hamilton

Luke 2:8-20 records the angelic announcement of Jesus' birth to some shepherds outside Bethlehem.    
1. The angel's announcement (v8-12).
2. The angels' praise (v13-14).
3. The shepherds' response (v15-20).

1. For unbelievers.
2. For Christians.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

The King's Birthday - Nathan Rages

Luke 2:1-7 records the familiar account of Jesus' birth.  This message focuses on these six details:  
1. The historicity of the Gospel (v1-2).
2. The significance of Bethlehem (v3-4).
3. The sovereign providence of God (v1,6).
4. The obedience to civil government (v3-5).
5. The strangeness of the manger scene (v7).
6. The instructive symbolism. 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Appreciating Joseph - Nathan Rages

Matt. 1:18-25 describes the announcement of Jesus' conception from the perspective of Joseph, Mary's underappreciated fiance:
1. His difficult dilemma (v18-19).
2. His angelic visitor (v20).
3. His royal heritage (v20).
4. His shocking revelation (v20-23).
5. His risky obedience (v20,24).
6. His unusual marriage (v24-25).
7. His valuable fatherhood (v25).

Monday, January 15, 2024

Zechariah's Song - James Voon

[NOTE: We apologize for the imperfect audio quality, but we think the excellent content is still worth posting.]

Luke 1:57-80 describes the birth of John the Baptist and the song of his father Zechariah:
1. The birth (v57-66),
2. The three covenants: Davidic, Abrahamic, and New Covenant (v67-75).
3. John as forerunner and Jesus the Sun of Righteousness (v76-80). 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Magnificent Magnificat - Nathan Rages

Luke 1:46-56 contains Mary's famous song, traditionally called the Magnificat.  It's a hymn of praise that reveals two things about Mary and six things about Mary's glorious God.  

About Mary:
1. Her knowledge of Scripture.
2. Her worshipful heart.

About God:
1. His salvation (v47).
2. His power (v49,51).
3. His holiness (v49).
4. His mercy (v50,54).
5. His judgment (v51,52,53).
6. His faithfulness (v50,54,55).