Monday, February 26, 2018

The Arrest of Jesus - Nathan Rages

In this sermon on the arrest of Jesus in John 18, we can see four of Jesus' characteristics:

1) His Sovereignty

2) His Mercy

3) His Humiliation

4) His Submission

Audio only:

Warnings from Peter’s Fall - Nathan Rages

John 18:12-27

1) Beware of proud self confidence

2) Beware of assuming a good spiritual environment will keep you safe

3) Beware of imagining your zeal in one area will make up for your weakness in another

4) Beware of thinking a leadership position will keep you from failing

5) Beware of allowing discouragement to lead you into sin (Heb 3:13)

6) Beware of prayerlessness

7) Beware of contributing to another Christian’s fall

8) Beware of the fear of man

9) Beware of being lukewarm

10) Beware that one sin leads quickly to worst sins

11) Beware of forgetting how your sin appears to Christ

Audio only: