Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Glory of the Father, the Son, and the Saints - Nathan Rages

John 17

We’re all seeking some glory. What glory are you pursuing?

1) The Father glorifies the Son

2) The Son glorifies Father

3) Christians glorify Christ

4) Christ shares his glory with Christians

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Sunday, September 10, 2017

How Jesus Prayed - Nathan Rages

John 17:1-26

Ten characteristics of Jesus’ prayer:

1) Jesus prayed with His eyes open

2) Jesus prayed with others

3) Jesus prayed to His Father

4) Jesus prayed with reverence

5) Jesus prayed with simple language

6) Jesus prayed in an orderly way

7) Jesus prayed as one with much experience

8) Jesus prayed with a confident faith

9) Jesus told God things that God already knew

10) Jesus prayed with a concern for God's glory

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