This coming Sunday, Nov. 6, we're planning to hold our morning worship service in Sedalia, MO in a joint meeting with the believers at Hwy M. Chapel. Hwy M Chapel has been like a sister church in the start-up of Redeeming Grace -- providing counsel, mentoring, and much faithful prayer during these early years.
The meeting will start at 10:00am, the same as we're used to, but note that Daylight Savings Time ends that morning, so our clocks will be "falling back" one hour. The meeting format will be pretty similar to ours. The plan is for *both* Clint Leiter, the Hwy M pastor, and me to speak -- giving (hopefully!) shorter sermons than usual. There will be a "pot providence" lunch immediately after the meeting, so we'll need to bring some food to contribute to that.
The address is 1480 Hwy M, Sedalia, MO 65301. The directions I prefer from Columbia are: west on I-70, then south (left) on Hwy 5 at Booneville, then west (right) on Hwy 50, then south (left) on Hwy M (also called Harding Ave.) at the eastern edge of Sedalia. The Chapel is just 700 feet south of Hwy 50. The trip takes about 75 minutes. Here's a link to a Google Map: UpApMxw6bUF2 .
Events like this are valuable in broadening our circles of fellowship and increasing our appreciation for the Kingdom of Christ beyond our local church. Hopefully nearly all of us will be able to participate!