Sunday, December 29, 2024

All Things Are Possible To Him Who Believes! - Nathan Rages

Mark 9:14-29 describes Jesus healing a demonized boy after His own disciples had failed to deliver him.  From this account we can learn six practical lessons:
1. The Christian life alternates between refreshment and warfare (v14).
2. Satan is cruel to all, even children (v17-18,20-22).
3. Jesus can set any captive free (v19,25-27).
4. Jesus abhors unbelief (v19).
5. Jesus honors spiritual honesty (v24).
6. Spiritual power is obtained through believing prayer (v23,28-29).

Sunday, December 22, 2024

We Saw His Glory! - Nathan Rages

Luke 9:28-36 describes one of the most spectacular events to occur on this planet: the Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ.  It happened in these fives stages:
1. Prayer (v28-29).
2. Glory (v29-31).
3. Visitors (v30-31).
4. Suggestion (v32-33).
5. Declaration (v34-36).

It accomplished three things:
1. Jesus was encouraged for the final part of His mission.
2. The Apostles were encouraged about the true nature of their Master.
3. We today can be encouraged, comforted and exhorted.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Happy Little Trees - Robert Hamilton

Psalm 1:1-3 gives extremely practical instruction regarding the influences upon our thinking, originating either from "the counsel of the wicked" or God's Word.  
1. Don'ts (v1).
2. Do's (v2).
3. Development (v3).

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Jesus' Radical Discipleship Requirements - Nathan Rages

In Luke 9:23-27 Jesus gives a series of His difficult teachings, including a  list of five *requirements* for all those who would follow Him: 
1. Deny yourself (v23).
2. Take up your cross daily (v23).
3. Follow Jesus (v23).
4. Lose your life for Jesus’ sake (v24).
5. Don’t be ashamed of Jesus and His words (v26).

But intermixed with the requirements are also these *motivations* to encourage us to follow in that sometimes difficult path:
1. You obtain true life when you lose your life for Jesus (v24).
2. Your soul is worth more than the whole world (v25).
3. You’ll face Christ at His glorious Judgment (v26).
4. You’ll see Christ’s kingdom now on earth (v27).

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Who Do You Say That I Am? - Nathan Rages

Luke 9:7-9,18-22 are passages in which people are trying to determine the true identity of the Lord Jesus.  From this we can learn these five lessons:
1. People have various false ideas about Jesus’ identity (v7-8,19).
2. Faith in Jesus must be personal not second-hand (v20).  
3. Certainty about Jesus comes from God’s revelation (Matt. 16:17). 
4. Christ had to suffer greatly and rise again (v22).  
5. Prejudice prevents the reception of truth (v21-22).