In this sermon we take a look at the following relationships presented in the fourth chapter of Exodus:
1. Moses’ relationship with his father-in-law
2. God’s relationship with His children
3. Moses’ relationship with His son
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Answering God's Calling: Part 2 (audio only)
In this sermon we look again at how Moses reacts to God calling him to the ministry.
Answering God's Calling: Part 1
In this sermon we look at how Moses reacts to God calling him to the ministry.
The Prayer of Jehoshaphat
In this sermon we take a look at some principles to help the Christian's prayer life
Moses and the Burning Bush
In this sermon we take a look at the story of Moses and the burning bush. In it we can clearly see the themes of God's holiness and grace.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Moses' Great Choice
In this sermon we take a look at how Moses chose to be mistreated with the people of God rather than enjoying the fleeting pleasures of the world.
The Preservation of Moses
In this sermon on Exodus 2, we look at the preservation of Moses when he was a baby. In the story, we draw lessons about the faith of Moses' parents, God's sovereignty, and a picture of Christ.
The Christian's Response to Hell
In this sermon we look at what the Christian's response should be and will be to Hell and God's future judgments upon sinners.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Special Meeting Location for Sunday October 4
This weekend our church plans to be together for camping and fellowship at Lake of the Ozarks State Park in Osage Beach, MO, about 75 miles south of Columbia.
For our Sunday morning worship meeting, we have reserved the historic shelter house located inside the Park between the Riding Stables and Public Beach #1. We'll begin worship at 10:00am as usual and then share a lunch meal together afterwards.
Anyone is welcome to join us at the Lake for worship and fellowship this Sunday.
For our Sunday morning worship meeting, we have reserved the historic shelter house located inside the Park between the Riding Stables and Public Beach #1. We'll begin worship at 10:00am as usual and then share a lunch meal together afterwards.
Anyone is welcome to join us at the Lake for worship and fellowship this Sunday.
The Miseries of Egypt
What should our response be when God seems unresponsive? What should we do when comfortable circumstances change? In the second sermon on the Exodus, we take a look at some lessons we can learn from the trials of the Israelites in Egypt.
People with Promises
In this sermon we begin a new series on the book of Exodus. We discuss what we'll be going over in the series and also lay the scene and context for what happens in the beginning of the book.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
The Blessing of Forgiveness
In this sermon, we focus in on Psalm 32 and address the person whose sin is forgiven by the Lord.
Pastoral Visitation
In this sermon, we look at the topic of pastoral visitation. What is it? What does the Bible say about it? What are the benefits?
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Setting Our Minds on Things Above
In this sermon on Colossians 3:1-4 we focus in on some principles of how to maintain a godly, Christian thought-life.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Encountering God
In this sermon from Genesis 28, we take a look at Jacob's experience of meeting with God at Bethel.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
New Sunday Meeting Location
The Redeeming Grace Church Sunday meeting location will be changing, effective this Sunday, August 9. After several years of meeting in homes for Sunday worship, we will begin meeting on Sundays at 4115 South Providence, in a newer red building between Rock Bridge High School and Angelo's restaurant.
This meeting space is currently leased by Veterans United and is decorated in a lively military theme. The VU folks have a desire to see the Gospel advanced and have been exceptionally generous in allowing us to use their facility on Sundays.
As usual we'll plan to begin the meeting at 10:00am and have a fellowship meal together afterwards. The building will be open at 9:00am, and we'll need some helpers to arrive early to arrange chairs and tables, maybe do some clean-up, etc. (If the setup goes quickly, we'll have some time to pray together before the meeting begins.)
Regarding the mealtime, the kitchen facilities are limited to a partially-available refrigerator, a small microwave, and a coffee machine. There is no kitchen sink. It would be most convenient to bring foods that are simple to handle and do not require re-heating. Crock-pots would work well.
Our Tuesday Bible Study and Thursday Prayer Meeting will continue to be held in members homes.
The Lord continues to show His kindness toward our church. I'm amazed at the many ways that He has answered prayer in our first years together, and I look expectantly forward to what He has planned for us in the future. He is pleased to work through weak and needy instruments so that His glory might be more clearly displayed.
Monday, August 3, 2015
The Raising Of Lazarus
In the 8th sermon on the raising of Lazarus in John 11, we focus in on the glorious miracle itself.
Friday, July 31, 2015
The Prayer Life of Jesus
John 11:41-42 - ""So they removed the stone. Then Jesus raised His eyes, and said, 'Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. I knew that You always hear Me; but because of the people standing around I said it, so that they may believe that You sent Me.'”
Friday, July 10, 2015
Believing and Seeing the Glory of God
John 11:40 - "Jesus said to her, 'Did I not say to you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?'"
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Jesus Wept
In the 5th sermon from Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in John 11 we focus on two questions:
1) Why was Jesus weeping?
2) What does it mean for us that He wept?
Monday, June 22, 2015
The Lord our Righteousness - John Dees
Jeremiah 23:6 - “In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely; and this is His name by which He will be called, ‘The Lord our righteousness.’"
Monday, June 15, 2015
The Resurrection and the Life
In this fourth sermon on Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead from John 11, we take look at five different aspects of the story: life, death, resurrection, Jesus, and belief.
To stream audio or download mp3 of all Redeeming Grace Church sermons, visit our page on
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
The Risk of Following Christ
In this third sermon on Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead from John 11, we take a look at the great cost of following Jesus.
To stream audio or download mp3 of all Redeeming Grace Church sermons, visit our page on
Monday, June 1, 2015
The Amazing Timing of God
In this second sermon on Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in John 11, we focus on God's timing in the situation.
To stream audio or download mp3 of all Redeeming Grace Church sermons, visit our page on
Sunday, May 17, 2015
He Whom You Love is Sick
In this first sermon on Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, we focus on
two things from the early verses of John chapter 11: (1) Jesus' special
love for certain people, and (2) a strong encouragement for intercessory
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Listen using the player below or use this link to download mp3 and access all RGC sermons.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
John Did No Miracles
This message discusses the faithful ministry of John the Baptist, as it is summarized at the end of John 10. We're told three things about him (which can each be applied to our own ministries): (1) John did no miracles, (2) Everything John said about Jesus was true, and (3) John's ministry had lasting fruitfulness.
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Listen using the player below or use this link to download mp3 and access all RGC sermons.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
God's Providence in an Attempted Assassination
Acts chapter 23 describes how God's providence foiled an evil plot to ambush and kill the Apostle Paul. Visiting speaker Clint Leiter highlights numerous practical lessons that can be drawn from this passage of Scripture.
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Sunday, April 26, 2015
I and the Father Are One
This message first examines Jesus' bold claim that "I and the Father are one", then the Jews' violent reaction to the claim, and finally Jesus' surprising defense of His words. The message concludes with some practical applications.
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Listen using the player below or use this link to download mp3 and access all RGC sermons.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Why People Don't Believe in Jesus
In John 10:19-26, Jesus addresses two excuses that people give for their unbelief: (1) That Jesus' message is not sufficiently clear, and (2) That Jesus had not done enough miraculous works. He then gives the real reason for unbelief: "You do not believe because you are not of My sheep."
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Listen using the player below or use this link to download mp3 and access all RGC sermons.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Thieves, Robbers, Strangers, and Hirelings
In John 10, Jesus pictures those who would do harm to the sheep as thieves, robbers, strangers, and hirelings. This message explores these illustrations of bad preachers (or other religious leaders) and what can be learned from each.
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Sunday, March 29, 2015
Christ's Sheep: Sovereignly Gathered and Divinely Protected
Jesus teaches in John 10 that (1) He has "other sheep" that He will bring into His flock and that (2) All His sheep will be kept eternally secure. This message explores these two tremendously encouraging truths.
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Sunday, March 15, 2015
The Shepherd and the Door - Part 2
In this second part of our study of Jesus' teaching about how He, the Good Shepherd, interacts with His sheep, we consider three great truths central to the Gospel: (1) He provides abundant life for the sheep, (2) He lays down His life for the sheep, and (3) He and the sheep have an intimate knowledge of each other.
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Sunday, March 8, 2015
The Shepherd and the Door - Part 1
In John 10 Jesus uses illustrations drawn from sheep farming to teach a
series of truths about how He interacts with His people. This
message covers the first four: (1) He is uniquely qualified to shepherd
the sheep, (2) He calls His sheep, and they respond, (3) He leads His
sheep, and they follow, and (4) He gives the sheep access to the
blessings of salvation.
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Listen using the player below or use this link to download mp3 and access all RGC sermons.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Being a Sheep
In John 10 and in various other Scriptures, Christians are compared to
sheep -- more than to any other animal. Unlike in Jesus' day, most
American Christians don't have much experience with the unique qualities of sheep.
This message considers seven characteristics of sheep that are also
true of Christians. They are: (1) Unimpressive, (2) Vulnerable, (3)
Timid, (4) Social, (5) Followers, (6) Labor-intensive, and (7) Fruitful.
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Sunday, February 15, 2015
A Tale of Two Witnesses
John chapter 9 describes two types of witnesses, one who was bold and courageous (the man whom Jesus had healed) and another that was afraid to say anything about Jesus (the man's parents). In this message, we use their contrasting examples to discuss five lessons about the believer's witness for Christ.
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Sunday, February 8, 2015
Led Into the Light
We examine the gracious process by which the blind man Jesus healed in John 9 was brought step-by-step into a saving relationship with Christ. We consider seven "steps" in the man's conversion: (1) He speaks of Jesus as a man, (2) He speaks of Jesus as a prophet, (3) He identifies himself as Jesus' disciple, (4) He defends Jesus as a holy man from God, (5) He suffers for Jesus' sake, (6) He professes faith in Jesus as the Son of Man, and (7) He worships Jesus as His Lord.
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Listen using the player below or use this link to download mp3 and access all RGC sermons.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Spiritual Blindness
John chapter 9 centers around the healing of a blind man. In ther
aftermath of the miracle, Jesus comments on the spiritual blindness of
the Pharisees (who interrogate the healed man). From their example, we
identify five characteristics of spiritually blind people.
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Sunday, January 25, 2015
Healing of the Man Born Blind
The 9th chapter of the Gospel of John concerns the healing of the man
born blind. This message considers four aspects of this event: (1) The
miserable condition of this man before his healing, (2) The unusual
means Jesus used in the healing, (3) The Messianic significance of the
healing, and (4) The salvation picture that can be seen in the healing.
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Sunday, January 18, 2015
Working God's Works
This message considers Jesus' exhortation that "we must work the works of Him who sent Me". Every Christian is urgently called to a life of diligent work for the Lord.
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Sunday, January 11, 2015
God's Purpose for Human Suffering
The discussion between Jesus and His disciples before the
healing of the man born blind gives great insight into the issue of
human suffering. Jesus made clear that the man's blindness was not the
result of a particular sin committed either by him or his parents.
Rather, Jesus said, it was in order that "the works of God might be
displayed in him."
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Sunday, January 4, 2015
Discipline Yourself for the Purpose of Godliness
This message is about spiritual discipline in the Christian life. All discipline requires focus, exertion, and consistency in order to be effective. We consider three things about spiritual discipline from the text in 1Timothy 4:7-8: (1) the responsibility of our discipline, (2) the goal of our discipline, and (3) the benefits of our discipline.
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