Twenty Scriptures about corporate prayer in the New Testament Church: Mark 11:17, Luke 11:1, Luke 9:28-29, Matthew 26:36-41, Acts 1:14, Acts 1:24, Acts 2:42, Acts 3:1, Acts 4:24-31, Acts 6:4-6, Acts 8:14-15, Acts 12:5,12, Acts 13:2-3, Acts 14:23, Acts 16:13,16, Acts 16:25, Acts 20:36, Acts 21:5, 1Timothy 2:8, and James 5:14-16.
Fifteen possible reasons folks don't attend the church prayer meeting:
1. Scriptural ignorance.
2. Meeting time / place / format.
3. Bad habits.
4. Too busy.
5. Too lazy.
6. Difficulty with children.
7. Family leadership failure.
8. Undervalue spiritual fellowship.
9. Undervalue the benefit for your own soul.
10. Fear of man (pride).
11. Unmoved by the needs.
12. Unbelief about the power of prayer.
13. Lukewarmness toward God.
14. Satanic opposition.
15. Rejection of church leadership.