Monday, September 4, 2023

Prophecies of the Suffering Messiah - Nathan Rages

In today's study from the prophetic books of the Old Testament, we review a sample of the Messianic prophecies about Christ's suffering for our redemption.  Below is the prophecy, the OT Scripture where it was predicted and the NT Scripture where it was fulfilled:  

1 Many “stumbled” over Him. Isa. 8:14-15, 1Pet. 2:6-8.
2 Rode a donkey into Jerusalem. Zech. 9:9, Matt. 21:4-9.
3 Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. Zech. 11:12-13, Matt. 26:14-15;27:5-10.
4 Disciples scattered. Zech. 13:7, Matt. 26:31.
5 Stay silent before His accusers. Isa. 53:7, Matt. 27:12-14.
6 Rejected by His own people. Isa. 53:3, Matt. 27:22-25.
7 Numbered with transgressors. Isa. 53:12, Matt. 27:38.
8 Beaten, scourged, and spit upon. Isa. 50:6-8; 53:5, Matt. 26:67;27:26.
9 Pierced. Zech. 12:10, John 19:34.
10 Prayed for His persecutors. Isa. 53:12, Luke 23:34.
11 Darkened sun. Amos 8:9, Matt. 27:45.
12 Buried in rich man’s tomb. Isa. 53:9, Matt. 27:57-60.
13 Suffered under God’s hand. Isa. 53:4,10,11, Matt. 27:46.
14 Suffered as a substitute for others. Isa. 53:5,6,8,10,11, 1Pet. 3:18.

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