Sunday, May 12, 2024

Catching Fish and Catching Men - Nathan Rages

Luke 5:1-11 describes Simon Peter's experience with Jesus, including first a miraculous catch of fish and then a lifetime calling to catch men.  We study the story in these seven parts, from Simon's perspective, each with a personal application question:

1. His loan (v1-3).  Are you being faithful in the little things? 
2. His skepticism (v4-5).  Do you speak honestly with God? 
3. His obedience (v5).  Do you still obey when things don’t make sense? 
4. His amazement (v6-8).  Are you often amazed at the Lord’s works?
5. His confession (v8).  Do you feel your guiltiness before the Lord?
6. His calling (v10).  Are you trying to “catch men”?
7. His commitment (v11).  Have you “left everything” to follow Jesus?

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